The mystery of the disappearing honey: diagnose your honey production problems
Golden and creamy honey is a highly coveted product, but its production by your bees is a delicate process. If you notice an unexpected drop in yield, don't panic! Several factors may explain this phenomenon. By identifying the cause, you can take corrective measures and restore your bees' production enthusiasm.

Varroa destructor: the big bad wolf of bees
The main suspect in the decline of honey production is often a dreaded parasitic mite: varroa destructor. This small invader attacks adult bees and brood (the larval stage), feeding on their hemolymph (equivalent to blood in insects). The consequences are disastrous:
- Weakening of bees: varroa weakens bees by draining their reserves and spreading harmful viruses. Parasitized foragers become lethargic and less efficient in nectar collection.
- Increased mortality: a severe varroa infestation can lead to the death of adult bees and brood, drastically reducing the hive's population and thus its production capacity.
Other potential culprits
If varroa is public enemy number one, other factors can harm honey production:
- Capricious weather: Mother Nature plays a crucial role. Incessant rains or prolonged droughts limit the flowering of melliferous plants (nectar producers). Without flowers, bees have no raw material to make honey.
- Bee diseases: like us, bees are vulnerable to various diseases. Certain viral or bacterial diseases can reduce their ability to forage and produce honey.
- Food shortage: if natural food sources are insufficient, bees struggle to find the pollen and nectar necessary for their survival and honey production.
- A declining queen: the queen bee is the heart of the hive. An aging or sick queen will have difficulty ensuring sufficient laying, which will result in a smaller bee population and decreased honey production.
Diagnose the problem and act accordingly
A honey yield lower than your expectations requires an in-depth investigation. Here are some key steps to identify the culprit:
- Thorough inspection of the hive to detect varroa: fighting varroa is crucial. Use regular monitoring methods, such as the varroa trap, to assess the infestation level. If the presence of the parasite is confirmed, appropriate acaricide treatment is necessary to protect your bees.
- Evaluation of food access: observe if the bees are actively foraging and if melliferous flowers are abundant near the hive. If necessary, you can provide a food supplement in the form of sugar syrup or pollen paste, especially during periods of scarcity.
- Monitoring bee health: examine the bees for signs of disease, such as deformed wings or abnormal behavior. In case of suspicion, consult an experienced beekeeper or a specialized laboratory for an accurate diagnosis.
- Evaluation of the bee queen: if the hive population seems low or declining, it may be necessary to replace the queen. A beekeeper can guide you through this delicate process.
Prevention: better safe than sorry
In addition to corrective actions, a proactive approach is essential to ensure the health and productivity of your bees:
- Stay informed about advances in beekeeping: the field of beekeeping is constantly evolving. Learn about new research and hive management techniques to optimize honey production and the health of your colonies.
- Join a local beekeeping club: joining a beekeeping club is an excellent way to exchange knowledge and experiences with other enthusiasts. You can benefit from valuable advice and support from the beekeeping community.
Use Stop Varroa Treatment in case of varroa infestation
Stop Varroa is an organic and easy-to-apply treatment, offering 100% effectiveness in eradicating varroa mites. To use it, simply lift the frames of the hive one by one and spray the product on both sides. In less than 24 hours, the varroa population is completely eliminated. This treatment is unique in its kind, capable of suppressing all varroa mites and is perfectly suited to organic beekeeping. Moreover, Stop Varroa is harmless to bees and does not contaminate honey.
How can I get the treatment?
To obtain the Stop Varroa treatment, I recommend ordering exclusively on the official website of Stop Varroa. This ensures that you will receive a quality, tested and proven product that offers the protection your bees need.